Sunday, May 5, 2013

In a Word.... Testing

     Testing. State standardized testing came and took over our lives for the month of April. Sure, we had Spring Break that first week, but the next week testing hit us hard. Every day, five days that week. It took at least two hours a day, and the stamina required for that type of testing is pretty intense - especially for elementary students. I understand the need for a measure. I don't understand why this has to be it when there are so many more viable, legitimate, and meaningful options out there. And for my LD, EBD, and OHI students? I almost feel like I build them up all year just to slap this down on their desks as if to say, "This is all you are supposed to know. Good luck." Of course, that is insane and only in my head. I tell them this is their chance to show how much they have learned this year, do their best, and don't worry about it! At this point though, they are old enough to infer (maybe I should have skipped that skill!?!?!) what the stakes are and what the results mean. I truly hate this time of year for them. They all have worked hard and are much more than a number on this test. I hope they realize that at some point. I also hope that they can continue to believe in themselves despite those numbers and realize this is only the blink of an instant in comparison to the rest of their lives. It is! I believe this with all my heart...and then we get the email that the scores are in....and I walk slowly with feelings of dread to the office to see the scores of my kids....and I feel defeated when I see the numbers of the ones who weren't successful.... Imagine how they feel? Some of them have never passed. Imagine that! Why would you keep going back to the place that makes you feel that way? 
     So, this brings me to two things. One is - my hopes for them. I hope and pray that their futures are filled with teachers and parents who believe in them and their strengths despite the numbers on their tests. They are headed off to middle school next year, and we all know how tough that can be. Hormones hit harder, peer pressure increases, computers/texting/Facebook/Instagram are all more of an influence than human interaction, and they still have a lot of academic ground to cover and a lot of tests to take. I hope they keep it in perspective. I hope they don't get to discouraged and if they do, I hope they have someone supportive to talk it out with. I also hope that some of them exceed all expectations and blow us all away with their successes. Some of them will, I have no doubt. I can't wait to see it!
     The second thing is more of an inward reflection and a hope for me. I was once told that if nothing else, I always had the ability to make kids believe they could do anything I asked of them. It was my assistant principal who said: "You make these kids feel like they could walk to the moon and back simply because you told them they could." Wow. I can only hope so!! I spend a lot of time on that each year. That is after all, 98% of the battle, right? And not just for kids, but for adults. You know who we you are.... It is sometimes hard as teachers to not get discouraged by things we cannot control. And by some things, I mean A LOT of things. However, my hope for all of us is that we can focus on our accomplishments with students and not just what we didn't achieve. That's what I tell my students - so why can't I take that same advice? My hope for me (and all my teacher peeps out there) as this year winds down, is that we focus on how far they (and we!) have come. Always room for growth, but let's all take a minute and celebrate the progress. I am going to make a list. Bet it's miles longer than the "Does Not Meet" list when my test scores come in.... Probably about as long as a walk to the moon and back. 

Happy countdown to summer, friends!
Mrs. Beck

1 comment:

  1. nicely said mrs. beck. those kids are so lucky to have you for a teacher.. i love you! and am so proud of you..
